Thursday, January 16, 2014

Testing for assembly

The Habitat for Humanity project is huge!  It is, in essence, a "beaded curtain"  that will act as a permeable wall between the cubicle space and a gathering space. It will be approximately 16 feet wide by ten feel tall.  Each of the modules will link to others around it using nylon coated picture wire and crimps.  If you have been reading the blog, you know that crimps have been a problem.  I have located appropriate crimps and they should be here within the week.

Dale Kennedy and I did some testing of the assembly concept using mat board.  Mat board had about the same weight and density as the cloth modules.  Putting the modules together was fiddly, but it worked well.  The pieces have the movement I was looking for.

    The grommets and the grommet setter have arrived. In order to have a system that was less likely to injure us, I had to go with a larger grommet than I had at first intended.

  The grommet setter will help prevent extreme tendinitis.  The other option for setting grommets is a set of pliers.  Not only would that be extremely hard on the arms and hands, but it is inconsistent, leaving misshapen holes and insecure fastenings.

Dale built some placement gigs to assist in grommeting.  Many hands will likely be running the houses through their paces.  These should help "dummy-proof" things.

Here is the first stack of houses, with grommets.

The next step is figuring out how I want to use these fabrics.  These are made from photographs provided by Habitat for Humanity.  They are full of happy clients and volunteers.

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