Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Color Studies in sculpture

When I am tired and or lazy and watch too much TV, I have several things I do to keep my hands busy:

I draw what I see on TV.
I spin yarn (gotland right now).
I hand embroider.
I do automatic drawings where I scribble without looking.

It was the automatic drawings that led to these little sculptures.  None are larger than 8 inches or so. Hand sized.  Manipulatable.  Stackable.  There are more to come...but here they are so far.  I'm calling them WIDGETS, except for the carved one called FIG.

FIG is a tiny carving done in soft Balsa Foam (an Amaco product) with gesso and Flashe, an utterly matte paint with high pigment load.

The WDIGETS are built from book binders board, lots of adhesive, modeling paste, gesso, Flashe paint and wax.

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