Thursday, July 11, 2019

What does vacation look like to me?

It looks like a more relaxing time to experiment, read, write and make new art.  I am nearing the end of my annual, self-created artist residency.  I love residencies, but they do not admit pets!  My little dog, Gideon, is increasingly elderly: blind, deaf and somewhat confused.  I have some of those same characteristics as well, I suppose.

Unlike most artist residencies, I do this one alone.  The dog is not much help when it comes to creative questions.  So, I suppose this is actually more like a retreat with a companion animal. It takes a bit of fortitude to do this. Not a lot of people to talk to.  Not as much stimulation as usual.  But, eventually, I can hear my own thoughts.

That is why I do this.  My shoulders lower, I get “far away eyes” and I am able to notice new things.

What I am noticing this year is the reversibility of forms and the contrast of the machine made with the rugged environment of Lake Superior.  I am wondering how to bring this sensibility back to the studio.

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