Friday, December 7, 2012

Embroidery tests for projects

This piece, of bright white polyester on unbleached muslin is a test for the Ghost dress.

 Odd though it may seem, baby pictures on camouflage fleece is a legitimate test for a future project that deals with the concepts of safety and armor.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Further embroidery lessons

I love lace.  I collect old crocheted lace, most of it stained and damaged from love...the way I like it best...holding close the stories of their making and their use.  the hands of many people handled the delicate fabric.

No way as moving as old lace, it still intrigues me that the embroidery machine can stich lace patterns...some of which can stand alone.  Way too cool.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Embroidery lessons

Machine embroidery is pretty slick.  The machine I purchased, and am paying for over 48 months, is a Baby Lock Elegante 2.  It has many built in stitched, designs and mild editing capability, which I am learning to use.  This flower was lesson #1 using the embroidery unit after several weeks of learning the capabilities of the machine without the embroidery attachment.  Pretty durn cool.

I came home from my lesson and began to experiment, using all kinda of thread, combining built in patterns.  I made this giant, narcissistic "S".  Really, too cool.  I learned multiple lessons about using the machine.